Items where Year is 2024
Caputo, Miranda, Chandar, Rupali, Mok, Angus, Linden, Sean, Goudfrooij, Paul and Whitmore, Bradley C. (2024) Clusters, Clumps, Dust, and Gas (CCDG) in NGC 1614: Benchmarking Cluster Demographics in Extreme Systems. The Astronomical Journal, 168 (6). p. 259. ISSN 0004-6256
Chandar, Rupali, Caputo, Miranda, Mok, Angus, Linden, Sean, Whitmore, Bradley C., Goudfrooij, Paul, Cook, David O., Calzetti, Daniela, Elmegreen, Debra M., Lee, Janice C., Úbeda, Leonardo and White, Richard (2024) A Tale of Three Dwarfs: Cluster-based Star Formation Histories of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal, 965 (1). p. 95. ISSN 0004-637X
Jafry, Azeezah and Vorstermans, Jessica (2024) Evolving intersections: AI, disability, and academic integrity in higher education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. ISSN 0271-0633
Landry, Chris (2024) Plans to Weed: An Investigation into the State of North American Reference Collections Supporting Art and Design. The Reference Librarian, 65 (1-2). pp. 25-33. ISSN 0276-3877
Morin, Peter and Decter, Leah (2024) x: where paths cross. Performance Matters, 10 (2). pp. 99-109. ISSN 2369-2537
Report/Working Paper
Singh, Shreya (2024) The Future of Work: Exploring the Future of Work in Canada and How Human Connections Are Made Through Workplace Design (Non-Accessible Version). Project Report. N/A. (Unpublished)
Conference/Workshop Item
Hurst, Emma Metcalfe and Taichman, Marsha (2024) DIY: Zine-Making in LAMS, for LAMS. In: ARLIS/NA 52nd Annual Conference, 2-5 Apr 2024, Pittsburgh, USA.
Tindale, Adam and Clark, Colin B.D. (2024) Reshaping Time-Exploring grid interfaces for ansiorhythmic patterns. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
Agarwal, Purvi (2024) Emotions - A personal narrative of dyslexic adult. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Alipourfard, Raha (2024) Embodiment of the Intertwined. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Alsalman, Hala (2024) The Rod and the Ring: Remember the Future and What it Could Bring. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Armouch, Rim (2024) Eco-criticism, Colonial Legacies, and the Broadleaf Plantain in Urban Spaces. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Atkinson, Angela (2024) Thinking Beyond the Hand. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Balasubramani, Shipra (2024) Crafting Narratives: Real-Time Generative Storytelling through Tangible AI. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Bari, Afifa (2024) A Broken Palace. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Beatty, Tyler M (2024) Designing for Agency: How the game Feast of Proportions was created for learning. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Belair, Camille K. (2024) the object, the instrument, the book, the score: compositional tools and the sonic imagination. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Bil, Lo (2024) Moving Materials: A Question of Form. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Camille, Stephanie (2024) Redefining Hyperfemininity: Claiming Femme Power through Love and Celebration. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Candan, Gizem (2024) Host & Compost. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Castillo, Alberto (2024) Xantolo: What Death Requires. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Castro, Elfy (2024) Synei: Hybrid Cognition - ASD + AI. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Chen, Wenwei (2024) Embracing the Inexplicable - Exploring Human Attachment to AI within the Haunting Ambience of Brutalism. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Clarahan, Susan (2024) Snake Swallows Snake. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Dagovic, Sara (2024) Body of Aesthetics: The therapeutic potential of aesthetics. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Dehghani, Maryam (2024) Eco-Wearables: Merging Art and Technology for Environmental Crisis Awareness. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
EL HELOU, Youssef (2024) The Beirut Project. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Farahani, Mehdi (2024) The Dialogue Between Image and Sound: An Exploration of Music-Inspired Digital Art Creation Using Algorithmic Generators. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Fernandes, Roxanne (2024) Stories of Rivers and Gold: Counter-Archives of a Guyanese Transnational Identity. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Gajare, Gayatri (2024) Random-Access Memories. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Gao, Yueming (2024) Exploring The Use Of AI Technology To Help Owners Remotely Accompany And Care For Their Cats. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Gera, Prathistha (2024) Integrating Mindfulness: Enhancing Art and Design Student Well-being through AI Voice Assistants and Wearable Technology. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Gottardi, Victoria (2024) The Body is no Longer Human, The Body is a Commodity. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
He, Jingxi (2024) Staying with the Trouble: Unraveling Power Relations through the Lens of Care. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Hogan, Tallulah (2024) Pareidolia: Seeing Things In Things. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Hong, Jiyeon (2024) Anatomy of the Material Self: An Investigation of Selfhood and the Material Lifeworld. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Khan, Firaas (2024) Robot and You. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
King, Jordan (2024) Diamonds at Night. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Kneifel, EJ (2024) Grief Ankle: on Ekphrasis as Feeling through Memory, Medium, and Meeting. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Lajtman, Bernadette (2024) Connecting Threads: A Look at Contemporary Craft Artists. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Li, Changhao (2024) Nose Contemplation: Contemporary Meditative Olfactory Photography and Synesthetic Aesthetics of Song Dynasty China. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Li, Chuchu (2024) tHEiR BLUE 她们的蓝. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Li, Tong (2024) Outside the (White) Box: 言霊. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Li, Yuefeng (2024) Ethennonnhawahstihnen’ - Where They Have a Good and Beautiful Life. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Li, Zishuo (2024) Homesickness: From Truth to Aesthetics. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Lovink McKinnell, Sal (2024) a soft felt logic. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Mackinnon, Roderick (2024) Pixilated figments. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
McDermott, Dedra (2024) Diasporic Spidering, Counter-Archiving, and Collective Memory. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Mendes, Raquel (2024) of mulberry blood and foam. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Menon, Anusha (2024) From Mind to Machine: An Embodied Approach to Image Creation with Generative AI. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Mukoki, Mufaro (2024) Bodies of Empathy: A Data-Driven Approach to Fashion Design. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Naik, Sunidhi Pandurang (2024) Towards Mixed Reality Architecture: Context-Specific Design Approach for Mixed Reality Environments. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Ng, Sin Tung (2024) Connect to Care. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Nyuli, Lana (2024) Sound and Soul: Exploring Music Collecting and Identity. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Obaid, Razan (2024) Rajieen: An Interdisciplinary Engagement Design to Revive and Sustain the Sense of Belonging. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Patterson, Taylor (2024) Working Elements of a Dynamic Public Transport System. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Porbeni, Appeikumoh Bracy (2024) Why have there been no great women eroticists? Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Porter, Shannyn (2024) An Artistic Exploration at the Intersection of Time, Place, and Memory: Foraging for Toronto’s Lost Rivers. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Quiza Suárez, Ricardo (2024) Slaying Fiction / Disruption and transgression in Queered Game Identities. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
R Bhardwaj, Deepikah (2024) a place to fall apart. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Raza, Anas (2024) The Investigation of Augmented Reality Marketing Tool Creation and Adaptability in Retail. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Sadaphule, Divyanka Dilip (2024) Beyond Screens: Tangible Approaches to sleep-tracking excellence. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Safari, Mona (2024) Symbiont: Soft-Robotic Objects for Tactile Communication. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Salehi, Nasim (2024) Hope in the Shadows. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Sandhu, Zaheen (2024) Reflections Unveiled: Publicness vs Privateness Through the Lens of Surveillance. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Singh, Stephanie (2024) Black Foliage: The preservation process of botanicals in the human-nature experience. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Sridhar, Spoorti (2024) The Armadillo Project: Designing a modular birth shelter through biophilic and salutogenic design principles. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Sun, Banghao (2024) Incomplete Order: The Pretext of Consumer Anxiety. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Thapa, Ayesha (2024) Katha Haru: Autoethnographic Stories of Cultural Identity, Body Positivity and Self-Empowerment Told Through Kinetic Garments. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Walker-Hudecki, Sally (2024) Skeuomorphic Time: How Autocinema and Epilepsy Remake Temporality. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Wang, Yitong (2024) A Psychogeographical Approach to Photographing Loneliness in the Urban Environment. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Yamamoto, Tamika (2024) Carmen Won’t Talk to Me: Facilitating Expressive Qualities in Games Through Natural Language Interfaces and AI NPCs. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Zhu, Wentian (2024) Quiet Interaction: Designing an Accessible Home Environment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Individuals through AR, AI, and IoT Technologies. Masters thesis, OCAD University.
Aguilar, Ana (2024) Brand Sustainability: A Biomimicry Approach to Regenerative Design Inspired by Mycelium. [MRP]
Allen, Hannah (2024) HR Transformation in the Ontario University Sector: Approaches, Barriers, and Methods to Sustain Change. [MRP]
Benoit, Sabrina M. and Song, Lucy M. (2024) A Co-creation Approach to Integrating Student Voice in Decision-Making Processes: Imagining Student Housing Co-design Project at OCAD University. [MRP]
Bhadra, Aakash (2024) Continuity of Care across age transitions: Understanding the systemic barriers in healthcare service sector for adolescents and young adults (AYA) transitioning from paediatric to adult health care system. [MRP]
Bhoraniya, Nishi (2024) The Future of Human-Plant Synergy in the Age of Remote Interaction. [MRP]
Bienstock, Liam (2024) Transportation Experiences of Autistic Young Adults: A Scoping Review and Proposal for Future Research. [MRP]
Bigge, Ryan (2024) Everyone’s Committed: Evaluating Accessibility Statements Across Design Systems. [MRP]
Campbell-Rogers, Allison (2024) Design Affordances and User Perception: Investigating the Relationship Between Space Design and Pedagogical Possibility in an Innovative Learning Environment. [MRP]
Chowdhury, Lea (2024) Mental Wellbeing Technologies in High-Performance Sport: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. [MRP]
Collins, Madeline (2024) Over the Event Horizon: Denyse Thomasos, Black Abstraction, and Diasporic Spacetime. [MRP]
Cui, Wenhuizi (2024) How Digital Tools Changed Art Exhibitions. [MRP]
Elgendy, Habiba (2024) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Graphic Design: Identifying Benefits, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations. [MRP]
Ford, Simon (2024) 'Crafting' Curricula and Pedagogies Examining Efforts to De-center Sheridan College's Furniture Studio Through Indigenous Community Engagement. [MRP]
Garcia Dumler, Tomas (2024) Entrepreneurship in Toronto: Drivers, Barriers, and Ecosystem. [MRP]
Garrido Arce, Chiara (2024) Exploring Strategic Ways to Encourage Peruvian Women to get Involved in Tech Careers/ Programs. [MRP]
Gastelu Ledesma, Flavia Karina (2024) Co-design for the Preservation and Visibility of the Traditions: A Case Study of the Quelqanqa Community in the Sacred Valley of Cusco. [MRP]
Inkingi, Sizwe (2024) Narratives Reimagined: The Black Digital Griot in the Modern World. [MRP]
Jafry, Azeezah and Puvanesasingham, Ram (2024) The Symphonic Passion Chorus: A Case Study in Meaning-Centered Service Design. [MRP]
Jakubiec, Tara D (2024) Colour and Cultural Identity: Global Infographic of Female Wedding Attire. [MRP]
Jena, Debaditya Sekhar (2024) Future of Vocational Education in India: Nurturing Entrepreneurial Talents and Bridging Employability Gaps. [MRP]
Karunkar Morrison, Hannah (2024) The Evolution of Spatial Computing and its Impact on UX Designers. [MRP]
Katrina, Heschel (2024) Regenerative Innovation: Improving Ethical and Sustainability Decision-Making. [MRP]
Kaur, Niranjan (2024) Holistic Progression Network: Future of the financial system. [MRP]
Lai, Diane E. (2024) Agile Transformations, Culture, and the Canadian Financial Sector. [MRP]
Lau, Jennifer (2024) The Freedom to Choose: Factors Shaping Women’s Parenthood Decisions. [MRP]
Loo, Ketty (2024) Analyzing poverty-reduction initiatives led by the private and nonprofit sectors in Peru. [MRP]
Lopoukhine, Raphael (2024) Developing a Circular Building Materials System and Fostering Innovation from Construction, Demolition and Renovation (CRD) Waste: An Ontario-focused Systemic Policy Analysis and Blueprint for Change. [MRP]
MacSpadyen, Sylvia and Shaikh, Umar (2024) Power to Empower: Designing for Type 2 Diabetes. [MRP]
Mani, Advaith (2024) Discovering synergies between Design and Financial Literacy. [MRP]
Matta, Prashant (2024) From Data to Mind: Memory and Cognitive Liberty in the Age of Predictive Technologies. [MRP]
Mehta, Priyal, Sari, Silvana and Mosqueda, Tamara (2024) Community Visioning through the Lens of Spatial Justice: A Guidance Framework for Inclusivity and Ecological Resilience. [MRP]
Mishra, Ayan (2024) Empowering AI-Powered Product Companies: Enhancing Design with Knowledge Management, Open Innovation, and Foresight. [MRP]
Mooney, Liam (2024) Exploring the Future at the Edge of Chaos A transformation of Jackpine using strategic foresight. [MRP]
Naghikhani, Sourena (2024) Beyond The Box: A Comprehensive Market Research of The Board Game Industry. [MRP]
Nambiar, Harshi (2024) Coins of Culture. [MRP]
Nedeljkovic, Joanne and Sun, Timothy (2024) Thriving Transitions, Navigating and empowering micro-businesses toward a promising future with the “Transformative Strategy Journey”. [MRP]
Neogi, Trisha (2024) Protecting People with Disabilities: A Guide for Non-Technical Committee Members in Understanding the Regulations Needed to Design Ethical AI. [MRP]
Nicky, Guo (2024) Designing An Instrument Controller to Enhance Cultural learnings in A Music Blended Video Game. [MRP]
Prince, Madelaine (2024) Community in the Making: Exploring opportunities to enhance the Canadian makerspace ecosystem. [MRP]
Rehanek, Nedward WD (2024) Self Impression: Exploration of Autistic Representation in Video Games through Self Advocacy. [MRP]
Reid, Doug and Bisessar, Reshmi (2024) Designing Futures by Empowering Novice Designers. [MRP]
Runch, Michelle and Ciccarelli, Juliana (2024) Accelerating Resilience in Innovation Consulting: A Practical Framework. [MRP]
Salem, Ali (2024) Component Constellations: Future Perspectives on Design Systems. [MRP]
Satira, Kate (2024) Staffing the Outdoors: What Experiences Do Women and 2SLGBTQ+ Individuals Have in the Field of Outdoor Education as Working Professionals? [MRP]
Scott, Hannah (2024) A Portrait of Cry Baby Gallery. [MRP]
Shaw, Madalyn K. (2024) Timing Diaspora, Diasporic Art in Two Acts: Examining Black and Caribbean Diasporic Temporality. [MRP]
Singh, Shreya (2024) The Future of Work: Exploring the Future of Work in Canada and How Human Connections Are Made Through Workplace Design. [MRP]
Sison, Brian (2024) The Evolution of Fandom for Live Music Festival Experiences. [MRP]
Sterling, Bridgette (2024) Future of Youth Hockey Culture. [MRP]
Stover, Emily (2024) Building Futures: Exploring Futures of Urban Real Estate Development. [MRP]
Stripe, Erin (2024) Locating Creativity in Design Practice. [MRP]
Sullivan, Katie (2024) Maybe We’re Creative: What I Learned about Co-creation in Design by Dancing with My Dad. [MRP]
Syeda, Gulay (2024) A Story of Unspoken Efforts of Elaine Drover Designing Hi-Tech Augmentative & Alternative Communication Systems with Individuals with Cerebral Palsy. [MRP]
Teixeira, Nelia and Pacione, Michael (2024) Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Leadership in Complex Organizations: An Exploration of the Near Future. [MRP]
Tipnis, Saee (2024) EMPOWERING WITH Co-DESIGN:From Music-making to Achieving a Sense of Agency. [MRP]
To, Daphne (2024) Beyond the Horizon: The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility. [MRP]
Wilson, Christopher (2024) Black Futures: Exploring Centring Black Perspectives and Voices in Imagining Future Possibilities. [MRP]
Wilton, Adam (2024) Reconceptualizing Self-Advocacy and Accessibility Labour in Post-Secondary Education for Blind and Partially Sighted Learners: A Participatory Framework. [MRP]
Xu, Yifan (2024) Chinese Female Gaze: The Evolution of Gender Cognition in China through Ancient Mythology and Contemporary Films. [MRP]
Thesis (external)
Ghazi, Termeh (2024) Fibers of Drought. Masters thesis, OCAD University.