OCAD University Open Research Repository

The Evolution of Spatial Computing and its Impact on UX Designers

Karunkar Morrison, Hannah (2024) The Evolution of Spatial Computing and its Impact on UX Designers. [MRP]

Item Type: MRP
Creators: Karunkar Morrison, Hannah

With the impending global release of the Apple Vision Pro, spatial computing has become increasingly mainstreamed in today's world. User experience (UX) design will have to adapt to new technologies, but little practical research is available for guidance as UX moves towards the new era of spatial computing. Exploring the intersection between spatial computing and UX design requires extensive research which will be guided through the research question: 'How might the evolution of spatial computing impact UX design?' Spatial computing is on a trajectory towards a more seamless integration of both digital and physical worlds. To understand the future of spatial computing, a contextual analysis of the world was launched by gathering signals and identifying trends. The trends were cross referenced with spatial computing to understand how spatial computing could evolve in the next twenty years. The futures wheel identified eight themes that demonstrated potential future scenarios that UX designers must be mindful of. The study explored the impact of spatial computing on UX designers and developed recommendations to help them proactively prepare for the future.
Spatial computing will need product designers to build ergonomic products to facilitate the easy transition between the digital and the real world. UX designers will need the skills to design for 3D and integrate spatial conceptualization when researching, prototyping, and designing. Designing to limit cognitive overload, distractions, and to visualize data safely will be the responsibility of UX designers. As Al is increasingly integrated into spatial computing, UX designers will have to understand how to utilize the personalization and data synthesis capabilities of generative Al, both responsibly and ethically. UX designers should be aware of the industries that are embracing this technology and explore opportunities in high demand sectors, such as the companies using digital twins. UX designers must learn the skill of designing collaborative spatial computing experiences to help remote work become more productive. UX designers must inform themselves of the harms and benefits of these technologies on the human brain, social life, privacy, and wellbeing, to design ethical experiences that enhance human life. Overall, UX designers have a large part to play when it comes to ensuring that this new era of spatial computing is beneficial to humanity.

Date: 3 May 2024
Uncontrolled Keywords: spatial computing, apple vision pro, virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality, ux design, ux, user experience design, futures wheel, domain map, future of ux, future of spatial computing, human centred design, HCD, technology, headsets, foresight, strategy, innovation
Divisions: Graduate Studies > Strategic Foresight and Innovation
Date Deposited: 03 May 2024 21:46
Last Modified: 03 May 2024 21:46
URI: https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/4397

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