OCAD University Open Research Repository

Beyond The Box: A Comprehensive Market Research of The Board Game Industry

Naghikhani, Sourena (2024) Beyond The Box: A Comprehensive Market Research of The Board Game Industry. [MRP]

Item Type: MRP
Creators: Naghikhani, Sourena

The board game industry is witnessing an unprecedented era of growth, projected to double from
$13.06 billion in 2023 to $26.04 billion by 2030, In other words, We are in a golden age of board
games. Amidst this expansion, our research provides an extensive overview and critical
examination of the industry’s progression and potential, emphasizing the need for sustainable and
inclusive practices to navigate future growth.
This comprehensive study provides a detailed overview of the historical progression and current
dynamics of the board game industry. We explore the industry's evolution from ancient games to
today's diverse market, highlighting significant developments such as the rise of mass-market
games in 1935, the birth of role-playing games in 1974, and the digital transformation of board
gaming. Utilizing a meticulous research design that includes diverse data collection methods and
rigorous analysis, this paper examines market trends, value, revenue, and segmentation by game
type, region, sales channel, and user demographics.
The study presents a thorough market overview, revealing the industry's competitive landscape
and identifying leading companies like Hasbro, Asmodee, and others. Market dynamics are
dissected to unearth driving factors such as the expansion of e-commerce, the upsurge in leisure
time, and innovations in game design. Trends like the rise in adult gaming, influence of social
media, and the emergence of hybrid gaming models reflect the industry’s adaptability.
Additionally, we address the restraints challenging the industry, including competition from digital
gaming, marketing hurdles, and economic barriers. The research delves into the value chain of
board games, from idea development and playtesting to marketing and promotion,
providing key insights into each stage. Consumer insights are gathered to understand leisure
preferences, engagement opportunities, and spending patterns, with a focus on physical versus
digital gaming inclinations.
Overall, the research encapsulates the multifaceted nature of the board game industry, offering a
valuable resource for stakeholders to navigate its complexities and leverage growth opportunities
in an ever-evolving landscape.

Date: 6 May 2024
Divisions: Graduate Studies > Strategic Foresight and Innovation
Date Deposited: 06 May 2024 14:24
Last Modified: 06 May 2024 14:24
URI: https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/4419

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