OCAD University Open Research Repository

Creating scholartistry: Engaging studio-based learning in academic libraries

Payne, Daniel, Landry, Chris and Chudolinska, Marta (2016) Creating scholartistry: Engaging studio-based learning in academic libraries. In: TRY Conference: The Responsive Library, 3 May 2016, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)


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OCAD University is a studio‐based learning environment that has been at the forefront of innovation in
Canadian art and design education since 1876. The school’s transition to full university status in 2002
has advanced this tradition by exploring intersections between academic structures and the unique
epistemologies of creative research. This process has required a re‐thinking of goals and objectives in
aesthetic education, as well as discovering commonalities between the two realms of scholarly and
creative research; an integrative framework termed as scholartistry by researchers Knowles, Promislow,
and Cole (2008). In response, the Dorothy H. Hoover Library has striven to participate in bridging these
two domains at OCAD University by emulating studio‐based learning methodologies within an academic
library framework.

The conference session will explore the library’s unique environment and how it has used new learning
models in its daily operations from space planning, to enacting visual literacy standards, through to
employing studio learning practices to provide information literacy support. As a forum for expressing
new sholartistry goals, the library has become a partner in digital publishing through the Open Research
Repository; a platform that seeks to collaborate with faculty to explore Open Journal Systems and Open
Monographs as an ideal discursive forum for scholarly communication in a creative arts environment.
As a tangible manifestation of the library’s pedagogical goals, the session will profile the Learning Zone,
a studio‐based space that serves as a laboratory for the library in exploring new services to OCAD
University students. It is an experimental, information‐rich environment with both high‐tech and lowtech
options for students to pursue their research unfettered by the arbitrarily imposed division
between analogue and digital materiality. This highly creative library environment at OCAD University
facilitates proximal learning at various points in the creative process, serving as a site for case study
research, display, studio‐based exploration, and performance.

Overall, the session will explore ideas of how libraries can activate studio‐based learning, community
development, and excellence in creative production through an ethos of flexibility, adaptability, and
curiosity about the needs of researchers engaged in scholartistry.

Knowles, J.G., Promislow, S. & Cole, A.L. (Eds.). (2008). Creating scholartistry : imagining the artsinformed
thesis or dissertation. Halifax, NS: Backalong Books.

Item Type: Conference/Workshop Item (Lecture)
Divisions: University Library
University Library > Learning Zone
Date Deposited: 16 May 2016 13:52
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2024 19:45
URI: https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/844

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