OCAD University Open Research Repository

Chinese Female Gaze: The Evolution of Gender Cognition in China through Ancient Mythology and Contemporary Films

Xu, Yifan (2024) Chinese Female Gaze: The Evolution of Gender Cognition in China through Ancient Mythology and Contemporary Films. [MRP]

Item Type: MRP
Creators: Xu, Yifan

The Chinese woman has seen various decades of depiction. The empowerment of the Chinese woman can be traced through the ancient goddesses, who were seen as powerful, just and reverent. The same can be seen through female characters in contemporary films, who are seen as able and an equal figure to the masculine gender. However, due to centuries of patriarchal oppression in China, the power of women remains suppressed. This study was conducted to explore the connection between the empowerment of women represented by ancient goddesses like Nü Wa and Chang'e, and contemporary female characters depicted in today's cinema, particularly in the films, Raise the Red Lantern and Rouge. The juxtaposition of ancient goddesses with contemporary female characters in films fosters a compelling atmosphere and conclusion, underscoring the significance of Chinese women across different eras. The conclusion forms a rather strong case for the fact that the Chinese woman has been a very crucial part of the community; the inputs they have in the society are very critical in shaping how the entire world perceives the Chinese woman.
Keywords: Chinese Female Gaze, Ancient Goddesses, Nü Wa, Chang'e, Gender roles, Contemporary Chinese Cinema, Raise the Red Lantern, Rouge

Date: 7 May 2024
Uncontrolled Keywords: Chinese Female Gaze, Ancient Goddesses, Nü Wa, Chang'e, Gender roles, Contemporary Chinese Cinema, Raise the Red Lantern, Rouge
Divisions: Graduate Studies > Contemporary Art, Design and New Media Art Histories
Date Deposited: 14 May 2024 19:25
Last Modified: 14 May 2024 19:25
URI: https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/4511

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