OCAD University Open Research Repository

Design Affordances and User Perception: Investigating the Relationship Between Space Design and Pedagogical Possibility in an Innovative Learning Environment

Campbell-Rogers, Allison (2024) Design Affordances and User Perception: Investigating the Relationship Between Space Design and Pedagogical Possibility in an Innovative Learning Environment. [MRP]

Item Type: MRP
Creators: Campbell-Rogers, Allison

This major research project explores how teachers and school leaders at Branksome Hall,
an all-girls International Baccalaureate (IB) school in Toronto, Ontario, Canada perceive
the affordances (potential uses) of a new Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) under
construction. This study adopted a social constructivist approach. First, primary research
involving virtual reality (VR) walkthroughs identified the spatial features participants perceived
as supporting their current and future teaching practices. Following this research, a teacher
workshop built upon these features, exploring how well they aligned with the stated aims
of the building. Abductive thematic coding was applied to the data according to the themes
presented in Frelin and Grannäs’ (2022) TEALE model—two additional themes were also
uncovered that fall outside of this framework. The findings aim to guide the transition to utilizing
the iCAST effectively through the creation of spatial profiles for each space under study. Each
profile provides a dynamic resource for teachers that can be used to empower an exploration
of the impact of space on pedagogy and to inspire the development of innovative practices.
Seven insights were developed based on the analysis of primary data and secondary research.
These insights were used to guide the development of five key practice implications for Branksome
Hall’s next steps, which involve cross-team collaboration, revisiting the building’s aims, engaging in
futures workshops, and intentionally developing teachers’ spatial literacy and professional learning.
This project highlights the evolving nature of educational purpose and how educators’ perceptions
of space are influenced by their core educational philosophies. Interestingly, the affordances
perceived outside of the TEALE model align more closely with the European concept of “Bildung”
and a more participatory approach to 21st-century learning.

Date: 2024
Uncontrolled Keywords: Affordances, Innovative Learning Environments, School Design, Pedagogy
Divisions: Graduate Studies > Strategic Foresight and Innovation
Date Deposited: 08 May 2024 17:33
Last Modified: 08 May 2024 17:33
URI: https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/4476

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