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Embodied ways of storying the self: A systematic review of body-mapping

Jager, Adèle de, Tewson, Anna, Ludlow, Bryn and Boydell, Katherine (2016) Embodied ways of storying the self: A systematic review of body-mapping. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17 (2). ISSN 1438-5627

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The first recorded instance of whole-body-mapping for research purposes is a
comparison of women's identity and the concept of the reproductive system in rural Jamaica and
the UK. It was later developed in a structured workshop process in South Africa to give voice to the
experiences of HIV positive individuals, decrease stigma, and advocate for provision of antiretroviral
medication. Whole-body mapping involves tracing around a person's body to create a lifesized
outline, which is filled in during a creative and reflective process, producing an image
representing multiple aspects of their embodied experience. Body-mapping holds promise as a
qualitative, participatory research method to produce and disseminate knowledge. However, it is
unclear how it is being used, by whom, and in what context. This article presents the findings of a
systematic review of body-mapping in the published literature. The review identifies various
implementations of body-mapping in research, therapeutic, and educational contexts. The degree
of emphasis on social justice, knowledge translation, research, and therapeutic benefit varies a
great deal, as does the intent and use of body-mapping. While body-mapping holds promise, more
empirical investigation would be valuable in determining its characteristics in research, clinical,
educative and political spheres.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: arts-based, basada en el arte, Body-Mapping, corporalidad, embodiment, investigación cualitativa, investigación participativa, knowledge translation, Körperkartografie, kunstbasierte Verfahren, mapeo corporal, métodos visuales, Narration, narrativa, narrative, participatory research, partizipative Forschung, qualitative Forschung, Qualitative research, traducción del conocimiento, visual methods, visuelle Methoden, Wissenstransfer
Divisions: Research Labs > Mobile Experience Lab
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2016 18:33
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2021 19:30
URI: https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/1206

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